
[1060] CreeperHeal ...
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[1060] CreeperHeal v3.1 by nitnelave

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This does not work with WorldGuard, and will allow creepers to (temporarily) damage WorldGuard regions!

Protects your server against Creepers, TNT, and griefers!

CreeperHeal is more than a griefing protection plugin : it repairs the damage done by explosions (Creepers, TNT, etc...) and fire, in a natural way! Stay a while after a Creeper made a hole, and you will see the terrain pop back slowly, block per block, exactly as it was before the explosion! That way, your players will still be afraid of Creepers, but your server will continue looking nice!

Anti-Griefing features
Natural healing of the terrain after an explosion
Fully customisable
Easy installation and configuration

Web Archive Capture from 2016:

README from CreeperHeal.jar:


Just drop the CreeperHeal.jar in your plugins folder, and the configuration file will be automatically generated.


wait-before-heal : how long after the explosion the damage is repaired (or starts getting repaired for block per block), in seconds.
replacement-method : (block-per-block or all-at-once)
block-per-block-interval : in ticks (1/20th of a second), how long between each block is replaced (set it to 10 for 2 blocks per second)
wait-after-fire : how long after a block is destroyed by fire (burnt) it gets replaced, in seconds
refresh-frequency : how often it should check for explosions to heal. Increase if the plugin is causing lag. In seconds.
drop-replaced-block : (true or false) if healing an area is overwriting some blocks, they are dropped to the ground is true.
drop-not-replaced-block : (true or false) Whether blacklisted blocks should drop items as for a normal explosion or not, configurable with a chance.
drop-chance : (0 - 100) If setting above is true, chance that the block drops.
teleport-on-suffocate : (true or false) If a player is caught in an explosion being healed and is to suffocate, teleport him above or to the side, to safety.
log-level : (0 - 3) Amount of debugging messages shown. 1 is recommended.
op-permissions : OP have all permissions.
crack-bricks : (true or false) Whether bricks destroyed should be replaced as cracked ones.

Per world :

- Creepers : (true or false) replace damage done by creepers exploding

- TNT : (true or false) same for TNT

- Ghast : (true or false) same for ghast fireballs

- Magical : (true or false) same for explosions from other sources (other plugins?)
    - Fire : (true or false) replace damage done by fire

- restrict-blocks : (false, whitelist or blacklist) Set to false to replace all blocks, whitelist to replace only the blocks defined in the whitelist, or blacklist to ignore those defined in the blacklist.

- restrict-list : (list of block ID separated by commas) whitelist (or blacklist, depending on the setting above)
		Example, to block dirt, all types of wood, normal logs and birch logs : 3, 35, 17:0, 17:2

- replace-tnt : (true or false) Whether exploding TNT should be replaced or not.

- replace-above-only : (true or false) Replace TNT damage only above the limit defined in replace-limit

- replace-limit : (0-128) Level above which to replace TNT damage, if replace-above-only is set to true 


Traps are TNT blocks that are automatically replaced along with their explosion's damage. Thus, the trap is reset. It allows for hidden TNT behind a wall, or pressure plates under the snow... Feel free to experiment!

1. Set up a trap.

Set a TNT block wherever you want. Look at it and type "/ch trap create". You should have sufficient permission for that (either of those nodes : CreeperHeal.* CreeperHeal.trap.* CreeperHeal.trap.create). Now, whenever this block explodes, it will pop back along with the rest of the blocks destroyed. And it is protected from getting destroyed by angry players!

2. Remove a trap.

If you are the owner of a trap, it's simple. Either look at it and type "/ch trap remove" or simply destroy it! You should of course have at least the node CreeperHeal.trap.remove.own, or CreeperHeal.trap.remove.all, or any of the wildcard (*) nodes.
If you're not the owner of the block, same procedure, but not the same permissions. This time you HAVE to have CreeperHeal.trap.remove.all, or any of the wildcard nodes.


    /CreeperHeal (or/ch) is the main command/help menu.
    /ch reload : reloads the config from the file.
    /ch creeper (on|off) (world) : toggles the creeper explosion replacement (can be used with on/off)
    /ch TNT (on|off) (world) : same thing for TNT
    /ch interval [seconds] : Sets the interval before an explosion is replaced to x seconds
    /ch heal (seconds) (world) : Heals all explosions in the last x seconds, or all explosions if not specified. Alias : /ch forceHeal
    /ch healBurnt (seconds) (world): Heal all burnt blocks since x seconds, or all if x is not specified.
    /ch fire (on|off) (world): toggles whether or not to replace fire damage
    /ch burnInterval [seconds] : Sets the interval before a block burnt is replaced
    /ch Ghast (on|off) (world): toggle Ghast fireballs explosions replacement
    /ch magical (on|off) (world): same thing for "magical" explosions (from other plugins).
    /ch trap (create|delete) : creates/removes a trap (auto-replacing tnt block).
This topic was modified 1 month ago by alfonsojon
