Minecraft 1.3, Map reset

Due to the HUGE amount of changes with Minecraft 1.3.1, we’ve decided to reset the map so that everyone can have fun with the jungle pyramids and better NPC villages. The Flatlands were not reset, and neither were the Skylands. It’s going to be a while until the Bukkit team (the people who develop our server software) make a version compatible with Minecraft 1.3.1, so we figured we’d use this time to make the new spawn. Please don’t tell us to upgrade, we will as soon as possible but until then you can participate in chats to the server through our IRC channel (The chat page, up in the top). There might be a few plugin tweaks in the following week in order to accommodate Minecraft 1.3.1 (such as a planned re-colouring of the user prefixes) and possibly a spleef plugin. Other than that, the server experience should be the same, aside from the map.

Hope this clarifies things,
Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

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